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Episode 84: The Cult and Toxicity of Busy Culture

Every grad student is inundated work. Readings, homework, classes, meetings can begin to feel like a constant state of doing the most. Then conversations with fellow grad students IRL and online follow suit with seeing as everyone is crazy busy, but after a while, some conversations can sound like a competition. Who's writing the most? Reading the most? The busiest? The hardest worker? It’s this little thing that’s pervasive in our society--busy culture--but it definitely can feel amplified in academia. This was a topic that needed an in-depth discussion, which was done live + in-person entitled, The Cult and Toxicity of Busy Culture. Hear the experiences of students of the diaspora in the Pittsburgh area and explore social, political, and culturally relevant conversations.

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This live podcast was sponsored by CMU BGSO (Black Graduate Student Organization), NSBE (National Society of Black Engineers), The Center for Diversity and Inclusion, and Blk + In Grad School.